Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Sports/Action more details

1. Watch any four of the Runner-up videos, and answer the following on your blog:
Name of photographer -Carlos Delgado
General focus of portfolio (photoj, sports, stories, etc.)-
List three problems that the judges note with the portfolio-The color of the women in the first story what she was wearing couldn't focus on what she was doing.Merging was all over the photo and pie plates coming out of the kids and her heads. Carlos also didn't like that the people in the firefighter photo were looking straight at the photo.
 List two things the judges like-Focus of the photo, Point of view
What is your overall impression? What did you like or not like?My overall impression is that they should have not used black and white photos and they also should have backed up on the photo and took a couple of steps back and tooken the photo so that it had full details.

2. Watch the winning portfolio critique (Dustin Snipes), and post the following:
What did the judges note as strengths as they were critiquing it?Color and composition,

What do you see as strengths? Do you see any weaknesses?I didnt see any weaknesses some strengths i seen was the lines and texture of the photos as they were tooken and action photos of people running and swimming,

3. Watch the contest recap video.

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